893.50/8–3144: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Gauss)

1299. It is hoped that your telegram No. 1477 of August 31 may be supplemented by further information and comment.

The statement of the Economic Affairs Minister may clear the way for an inclusive and valuable survey of Chinese plans for economic development. Is it the opinion of the Embassy that copies of postwar reconstruction plans or adequate information in other forms will be made available?

Your telegram indicates the possibility that the Chinese Government may propose an American Economic Mission. Is there any [Page 1079] information indicating Chinese ideas as to the functions and composition of such a mission as they have in mind? Is there reason to believe that the visit of Mr. Nelson48 has influenced the attitude of the Chinese Government toward an Economic Mission? The Department has doubts as to the immediate desirability of an Economic Mission, but would like to know what your opinion is.

  1. For correspondence concerning the mission of Donald M. Nelson, see pp. 247 ff.