Mr. Mao Tse-tung to President Roosevelt 63
My Dear President Roosevelt: I am greatly honored in receiving your personal representative, General Patrick Hurley. During his [Page 689] three day visit here in Yenan we have congenially discussed all the problems concerning the unity of all Chinese people and all the military forces for the defeat of Japan and reconstruction of China. For this I have offered an agreement.
The spirit of this agreement is what we of the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese people have been striving for in the anti-Japanese united front during the past eight years. It has always been our desire to reach an agreement with President Chiang Kai-shek which will promote the welfare of the Chinese people. Through the good offices of General Hurley we have suddenly seen hope of realization. It is with great pleasure that I express my high appreciation for the excellent talent of your Personal Representative and his deep sympathy towards the Chinese people.
The Central Committee of our Party has unanimously accepted the whole text of this proposed agreement64 and is prepared to fully support and to make it effective. The Central Committee of our Party has authorized me to sign this agreement, witnessed by General Hurley.
I am asking General Hurley to transmit to you this proposed agreement in name of our Party, our Army and the Chinese people. I wish also to thank you, Mr. President, for your great labors in the interests of the unity of China for the defeat of Japan and for making possible a united, democratic China.
The people of China and the people of the United States have a traditional and deep-rooted friendship. I hope that through your efforts and your great accomplishments the two great nations will continue to march together for the defeat of the Japanese invaders and the establishment of a lasting world peace and the reconstruction of a democratic China.
Very sincerely yours,