740.0011 P.W./9–1144: Telegram

The Ambassador in China (Gauss) to the Secretary of State

1531. Ringwalt reported in his 52, September 7 (received September 10) that Zebra Force was planning to withdraw to Liuchow when Jap forces pass Chuanhsien and he requested authorization for himself to accompany Zebra Force and remain temporarily with it at Liuchow. He also recommended that Richard Service be detailed to [Kunming] “or elsewhere in southeast China.” His 54, September 8 (also received 10th) reported that Provincial Government and “Ministry of War” were leaving Kweilin; that emergency evacuation (assumably of civilians) had been ordered September 8;69 that Japs were reported in Fanwing in force on both sides of railway near Tungan with little opposition; and that Chinese morale was disintegrating.

Embassy perceives no reason why Ringwalt should remain with Zebra Force and considers his recommendation regarding Service most inadvisable as his [enemy?] advance north from Canton area would cut him off. Embassy accordingly instructed Ringwalt in its 33, September 10 that he (1) should issue final withdrawal warning to non-military Americans in Kweilin area and areas likely to be cut off by enemy advance from north or south, (2) should close Consulate well in advance and (3) should proceed with Service by most direct means to Chungking for consultation and reassignment.

In his 55, September 9 received last night Ringwalt reports that British Consulate General and Press Attaché’s office had closed and personnel was that day proceeding by air to Kunming.

  1. The Consulate at Kweilin was reported closed on September 11.