893.00/7–444: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Gauss)

931. Department has read with great interest your telegrams 1158 and 1159 of July 4.

In view of Sun Fo’s frank discussion with the Generalissimo of the present military and political situation and other indications that the Generalissimo is now more inclined to seek advice and counsel with respect to these problems, the Department feels that a friendly and frank discussion of the general situation with the Generalissimo and the Foreign Minister as proposed in the final paragraph of your 1159 is desirable and might prove to be helpful.
Department feels that the carrying out by the Generalissimo of the suggestion outlined in the penultimate paragraph of your 1159 would be a constructive step looking toward the improvement of the present political and military situation. It is believed therefore, in addition to a discussion along the lines of the Department’s 829, June 15, 5 [3] p.m. that, in your discretion, you should earnestly point out advantages of this suggestion as a means of meeting the present serious situation.
It is also suggested that during the course of your discussions you endeavor to ascertain whether the Generalissimo is disposed to accept the active advice of American military experts who, it is believed, could be of very real assistance.
Please continue to keep in close touch with General Ferris in regard to the military problems involved in your discussions.