811.2361/11–1544: Telegram

The Consul General at Vladivostok (Clubb) to the Secretary of State

56. According to information received today from Diplomatic Agent American plane B–29 number 365 landed on November 11 at 16 hours 40 minutes on airdrome in vicinity of Ugolovaya 30 kilometers northeast Vladivostok. The crew numbering 11 men under command Captain Weston Price were unhurt and are well and have been interned. The plane has been put under guard.

Diplomatic Agent stated that plane was intact but was understood to have sustained some damage presumably over Japan but neither origin of flight nor place of action was certainly known to him. He professed to have no knowledge regarding condition of plane instruments but in reply to my question said documents had been burned. I informed Diplomatic Agent Consulate had supplies, food, clothing, et cetera available if such were needed. Diplomatic agent was unable to give that or other detailed information regarding men or plane but said he would ascertain pertinent particulars and inform me accordingly. I stated that I should like to visit crew; he said he did not know present location of internment but that if location was not in prohibited zone he would endeavor make desired arrangements.

Diplomatic Agent supplied names, ranks of full crew but being [Page 1027] assured that those are available American military authorities I am not forwarding that information with telegram.

This telegram repeated Moscow.
