033.1161/7–1944: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman) to the Secretary of State

2660. Personal for the Secretary. Department’s 1710, July 15, midnight. I have written Molotov a letter regarding General Fleming’s proposed visit and will speak to him about it on my next call. I am sure Molotov will ask exactly what General Fleming would wish to see and learn in the Soviet Union. I doubt whether Molotov will have a concept of public works in our sense, as in Russia all construction except for a very few small houses is a government activity under the responsibility of different commissariats. It would be helpful if you could give me at once a list of the type of projects General Fleming has in mind.87 For example is he interested in city planning, power developments, irrigation, flood control, etc.

  1. A list of the types of public construction projects which General Fleming would be interested in seeing was sent in the Department’s telegram 1744, July 20, 1944 (033.1161/7–2044).