861.20 Missions/10: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman) to the Secretary of State

1062. For the Department’s confidential information and supplementing my telegram No. 1061, March 27, 2 p.m., General Deane on instructions from the War Department is conducting negotiations with the Soviet military authorities for the setting up of a transmitting [Page 957] and a receiving station in Moscow with US equipment and operated by Soviet personnel, each country to have teletypewriter terminals in Moscow and in Washington.44 I trust that the efforts to improve commercial services between the two countries will not be allowed to conflict with General Deane’s negotiations which are progressing satisfactorily and which I consider of great importance in the prosecution of the war. More detailed information of the War Department’s proposal may be obtained from the Chief Signal Officer, US Army.

  1. In telegram 1195, May 13, 1944, the Department replied that the War Department had requested that General Deane be authorized “to sign agreement governing operation of military radio circuit between United States and U.S.S.R.” The Department had no objection to giving the necessary authorization. (861.20–Missions/10)