740.0011 European War 1939/9–1644: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman) to the Secretary of State

3525. The Soviet press while publishing Allied communiqués concerning crossing of German borders by Allied troops and even noting this event in sub-headlines on September 13 has thus far offered no comment. It is apparent that Soviet press policy is to accord minimum recognition to Allied accomplishments in effecting final defeat of Germany and to continue to emphasize role of Red Army. There is a marked tendency to over-play role of Tito’s forces46 which the uninformed reader might be led to suspect were playing a part very nearly as important as that of Allied troops in west. No Soviet press comment on Allied operations in west has been noted which has not included some statement to the effect that the bulk of German forces are engaged on eastern front thereby assuring Allies overwhelming superiority in men and equipment.

  1. Marshal Tito (Josip Broz) was the military leader of the Partisan guerrillas in Yugoslavia, and President of the National Committee of Liberation.