740.00112 European War 1939/12–444: Telegram

The Chargé in Switzerland (Huddle) to the Secretary of State

7924:. Swiss have presented aide-mémoire dated December 2 giving their reply to that portion of Legation’s note and aide-mémoire of October 30 concerning exports of undesirable items. Translation of aide-mémoire follows:

“On October 30, Legation of United States of America handed a note and aide-mémoire to Federal Political Department expressing disappointment of its Government because federal authorities had not taken into account all the desires expressed in note of September 1847 with regard to prohibiting export of certain merchandise to Axis countries.

The Federal Government which on October 1st placed an embargo on export of war material and other similar articles did not expect such a démarche. It considers, in fact, that it has taken into account to a very large extent the desires of American and British Governments. There remain only a very few tariff items for which the demands of these Governments have not been entirely satisfied. The Federal Government does not see the possibility of taking immediately formal measures of prohibition for these remaining positions, that is for tariff items 883 A, M5 and 914 A/G. In the course of the last few months, the only mass imports of products essential to maintain industrial production and to secure work for the population did not come into Switzerland through the blockade. This fact obligates Switzerland to certain considerations if only for the sake of formality.

On the other hand, in practice, the Federal Government can meet to a larger extent the desires which it is not in a position to satisfy formally. The export of steam and petrol driven locomotives under tariff item 883 A can be suspended until the end of hostilities in Europe. Moreover, exports of diesel engines under tariff item ex M 5 will for the most part be stopped as was stated by the Swiss members of the Mixed Commission at meeting of October 26 during discussion of export program of Sulzer Brothers, “Winterthur, the principal Swiss exporters. Also it will not be impossible in the near future to reduce the exports of tariff item 914 A/G and that of other tariff positions. With regard to tariff item 954 A radio apparatus, the Federal Government observes that complete radio receiving sets have not been included in the export embargo because of orders from countries which do not belong to the Axis.

The Federal Government hopes that in estimating the value of the concessions made the American and British Governments will not be stopped by questions of procedure and will appreciate the practical results obtained.

The Federal Government hopes that the measures envisaged added to all the measures already taken will remove the obstacles which held up the imports set forth in the note of September 18 and that it will [Page 788] receive the necessary assistance in the transportation of these goods from the point of unloading to the Swiss frontier.”

Repeated to London as 2354.

  1. See telegram 6206, September 19, 8 p.m., from Bern, p. 770.