740.00112 European War 1939/11–1244: Telegram

The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Gallman) to the Secretary of State

9881. For Department and FEA. Embassy informed Foreign Office and MEW today of action outlined in Department’s 9501, November [Page 663] 11, midnight and strongly emphasized the military importance which our Government attaches to the immediate stoppage of all Swedish exports to Germany.

At a meeting with Foot this afternoon, Stone strongly reiterated the urgency and necessity for immediate action and emphasized the advantages to be achieved by prompt British participation in pressing the Swedes to stop all remaining exports to Germany. Foot conceded that our joint objectives in Sweden had not been fully attained and expressed desire to find a practical and satisfactory joint approach which would accomplish our purpose without delay. He believed that actual difference between our two Governments was small and could be eliminated. Foot pointed out, however, that British Embassy in Washington had by now shown Department the formula proposed in their telegram of November 10.17 Foot had hoped that this proposal would prove acceptable. In the light of your telegram (9501) we indicated that this was most unlikely. After further discussion Foot agreed to extend earlier proposal as follows:

Swedes to be informed by the two Governments that buna and accessories will be shipped on the Saturnus provided that:
Assurances are given that all existing restrictions on exports to all enemy territories will be maintained unconditionally by the Swedish Government;
All other Swedish exports to enemy territories will cease immediately on arrival of the Saturnus save for such relief and other items as we may agree to exempt for the present.
The list of exempt items will be discussed by the two Governments and full agreement sought before arrival of the Saturnus in Sweden.

British are instructing Mallet to join with our Minister immediately either on basis of the above proposal or the earlier formula submitted on November 10 subject to approval of the Department.

In order to reach agreement with American Government, MEW will again ask British military authorities here to reconsider question immediate stoppage of iron ore. In any case, however, the undertaking in their proposal of November 10 still stands, namely, that they will join in seeking iron ore embargo on arrival of the Saturnus unless Combined Chiefs of Staff decide otherwise.

Repeated Stockholm.

  1. See telegram 9796, November 10, 5 p.m., from London, p. 660.