740.00112 European War 1939/11–744: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Sweden (Johnson)

2260. Your 4561, November 7.14 Buna question has been taken up with War and Navy Departments which reiterate the opinion which they have consistently held that this Government should insist upon the immediate cessation of all “war aid” that Sweden is still extending to Germany (and this includes all shipments to Germany). The Department, of course, shares this view.

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The War and Navy Departments feel that in Germany’s present position any import into Germany from abroad is of direct assistance to the German economy and therefore directly or indirectly to the German war potential. Both Departments feel accordingly that Swedish delay in fully responding to our request of last August for immediate cessation of Swedish exports to Germany has enabled Germany to prolong the war.

The War Department feels that the Göteborg traffic is not now essential to Sweden and therefore do not share the Swedish concern over the possible consequences to Sweden of closure of this traffic by the Germans. Furthermore, as you have been informed in our 2098, October 19, the Joint Chiefs of Staff have expressed the view that the importance to the prosecution of the war of a stoppage of all Swedish exports to Germany outweighs the possible adverse effects upon other factors which have from time to time been mentioned by the Swedes.

The Department desires that at the earliest possible moment you seek an interview with the appropriate official and give him orally the substance of the foregoing which are the views of your Government. You should then reiterate with all the force at your command this Government’s insistence that Sweden terminate, or unequivocally engage to terminate on a certain date all remaining exports to Germany. Meanwhile this Government is not prepared to ship buna and accessories to Sweden.

Sent to Stockholm, repeated to London for the information of the Embassy and interested British agencies as Department’s no. 9462.

  1. Not printed.