740.0011 E.W. 1939/7–1344: Airgram

The Secretary of State to the American Representative on the Advisory Council for Italy ( Kirk )

A–5. Department’s 305, July 4, summarizing Bern’s 4139, June 29. The following is Bern’s 4459 of July 13:

“Communication addressed to me by San Marino Consulate General in Bern dated July 3, 1944, stated it was presenting to me personally, under instructions from Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, accompanying note from its government protesting against bombardment of San Marino June 26. Approach to me I was told was due to temporary absence of representative of San Marino in the United States.

“Note which is signed by Secretary of State and dated June 26, 1944, is in translation identical with quotation in my 4139, June 29.

“Covering communication from Consulate General added that it had also been directed to bring following particulars to my attention:

  • “(A) Signs worded as follows: ‘Neutral state of republic San Marino—German troops forbidden to transit or to stop here’ have been posted at frontier by German Command at instance of this Secretariat, No German unit has ever entered Republic, no armored or military vehicle has ever passed through here and there is no installation here of military character.
  • “(B) In governmental organization political imprint is now that of concentration of group of good citizens carrying on work of conservation inspired by Republic’s democratic traditions. German Command and Italian Government itself noting strictly neutral attitude of our small state have never requested or counseled any act or proposal incompatible therewith.
  • “(C) Neutrality San Marino duly notified to all belligerent nations and no exception was taken thereto. In fact some episodes may be cited in confirmation thereof: burial with solemn honor of two English aviators who perished in flying accident and fell on our territory.
  • “(D) Once more collectively carrying out mission in most critical period of humanity San Marino has generously opened its heart and [Page 296] doors to thousands upon thousands of women and children from cities along Adriatic seaboard severely hit by war so much so that it can be considered a large community of sufferers taken into hospitals private homes and public centers.
  • “(E) Any repetition of bombing would cause great harm to unarmed persons who have already greatly suffered from misfortune, without any pretense of striking anything of military character.”

Inform Murphy.
