871.01/12–744: Telegram

The American Representative in Rumania (Berry) to the Secretary of State

49. The new Rumanian Government has formally been announced today and is constituted with General Radescu80 as both Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior. General Negulescu81 is War Minister and General Stanescu82 is Under Secretary of Interior for National Security. Portfolio of General Damaceanu83 for liaison with the Allies and application of the armistice has been dropped. To give National Peasant Party vote lost by relinquishing Interior Ministry post, it is planned to add an additional ministry without portfolio. Otherwise the cabinet of the second Sanatescu government remains intact.

A government program was announced to which all participants subscribed at the first cabinet meeting. It includes reestablishing order, maintaining production and factory discipline, observance of the armistice agreement, disarming members of all party organizations (the Communists alone had not disarmed), weeding out state administrative personnel of Fascist elements, abrogating all racial laws and prosecution of war criminals.

  1. Gen. Nicolae Radescu, formerly Rumanian Chief of Staff.
  2. Gen. Ion Negulescu.
  3. Brig. Gen. Virgil Stanescu.
  4. Brig. Gen. I. Dimitru Damaceanu, a signer of the Rumanian armistice.