871.6363/11–2744: Telegram

The American Representative in Rumania (Berry) to the Secretary of State

33. The manager of Romano-Americana reported yesterday noon that the Soviets that morning had recommended loading tubes from the company’s warehouse at Baicoi field.

General Schuyler immediately sent an officer to Ploesti to investigate. Late last night he reported that the loading had started as we were informed and was continuing. General and I agreed to protest to Soviet authorities. Vyshinsky according to the Soviet Legation was out of town for several days, but an appointment previously made for Schuyler to make his initial call on Vinogradov gave the needed opportunity.

After the usual exchange of pleasantries Schuyler presented the American point of view following closely my statement to Vyshinsky as reported in telegram 22 of November 23, 5 [6] p.m. He asked that the loading be stopped and the material that had been loaded be returned.

Vinogradov replied to Schuyler with much the same arguments as Vyshinsky had replied to me. He insisted there was enough equipment on hand for operation for one year. He said he did not have the authority to stop the loading. Schuyler then requested him to halt the equipment at some central point and hold it until the matter was cleared with Moscow, but this Vinogradov declined to do. He agreed only to inform Moscow of the conversation.

Schuyler will telegraph a full report to Washington and Moscow of his interview.
