740.00119 European War 1939/7–2044: Telegram

The Minister in Switzerland (Harrison) to the Secretary of State

4641. Rumanian Minister Pella, recently returned from Bucharest, has delivered to 110 through 636 (OSS74 can identify) message given him on or about July 4 by Mihai Antonescu for delivery to Ambassador Hayes.75 636 explained Mihai had sent verbal message by courier some time ago to the Ambassador which the courier must have delivered in garbled form judging from Ambassador’s reply asking Mihai confirm his message by letter through Turkish Government then impossible due well-known sentiments Menemencioglu.76 Having at the moment no courier for Spain or Lisbon, Mihai asks whether Bern channel could be used. For safety’s sake, message was taken down in longhand by Pella on dictation of Mihai. Substance follows:

1. Rumania not in service of any foreign power, entered war to defend her national territory and her institutions. In violation of formal undertakings USSR invaded Bessarabia and Bukovina, latter never even temporarily under Russian sovereignty, in June 1940 after 48-hour ultimatum and before negotiations foreseen by that ultimatum could have begun.

In November 1940 Rumania assured USSR she was determined maintain good neighborly relations, that adherence to tri-partite pact was merely passive guarantee of purely defensive character in no spirit of aggression against Russia or any other power. Moscow reply was demand for Soviet-Rumanian condominium over maritime Danube, concentration of 40 divisions on Rumanian frontier, occupation of four islands in Danube and efforts to force Sulina Channel. In December 1940 Molotov asked Berlin free hand extend Soviet domination beyond Pruth and Danube to secure direct control over the narrows. Rumania only took part in military operation 1941 to recover territories taken by USSR. Rumania has not wished, and does not wish, to fight Anglo-Saxon powers. Her defensive attitude denned in note replying to British declaration war December 1941.

2. Rumania is now asked to get out of war, turn her arms against Germany and grant right of passage to Soviet troops. Behavior of Soviet troops in occupied Rumanian territories is marked by execution and deportation of Government officials of the leading classes, by confiscation of property, by turning churches into stables, by violation of women and young girls and by mass colonization of Bessarabia [Page 186] and Bukovina by another race. USSR engages in propaganda against King Michael and in favor of ex-King Carol. Rumanian Government has evidence and is not only willing but urgently requests international inquiry and will grant every facility to ICRC77 or any other body to investigate.

Facts show that occupation of all Rumanian territory by Soviet armies would inevitably result in disappearance of Rumanian leading class, nationalization of country and unrestrained introduction of Communism into Southeast Europe, leading to total upset of continental equilibrium. Slavization of Rumania would lead all countries which had looked towards London and Washington to seek henceforth their political inspiration exclusively from Moscow. If Rumania decided turn arms against Germany and make way for Soviet occupation, presence of several hundreds of thousands of German soldiers would expose country to two successive devastations.

3. Rumania would get out of war if she were free to declare cessation of all fighting on bases of respect for her sovereignty, of her territorial rights and of her institutions. Without acceptance these conditions she would have to continue struggle with risk of succumbing with dignity.

Anglo-Saxon powers would be a [would bear?] responsibility for her sacrifice and destruction of European equilibrium and war won only by Soviets.

4. Practical possibilities getting out of war increased if statement were made agreeing leave to peace conference decision regarding Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina, problem of reparations (which might furnish Soviets means in direct control essential mechanism Rumanian state) and if United States, Great Britain could at right moment bring effective military help by debarkations, landing of parachutists and installation air bases. At Stockholm Soviets offered enter bilateral negotiations territorial questions claiming 1941 frontier primarily question of prestige and in nowise excluding possibility peace conference might return wholly or in part Bessarabia, Northern Bukovina.

In any case Rumania could not get out of war unless (a) major part of Rumanian territory including capital is not occupied and (b) form of Government and social structure of Government remain exclusive attribute of Rumanian sovereignty.

Rumania prepared participate new regional continental world-wide organisms especially in European or Balkan federation, reestablish collaboration United States, Great Britain in political, military and economic field; is in favor of regime of internationalization of Black [Page 187] Sea and mouth of Danube, latter under control of CED78 or other international bodies. She aspires to maintain best relations with Soviet Union.

If these principles accepted as basis negotiations, fully empowered representatives with military experts could be sent immediately to place selected by Allies, Rumania preferring Ankara. Pourparlers on Soviet territory not deemed practicable. Procedure similar that followed Italian armistice cannot be considered since slightest indiscretion would cause country’s downfall without in any way serving Allied cause. Effect of similar indiscretions regarding Finland well known. There is readiness on Rumanian side to give all required gages of good faith but one would wish for certain precisions from American and British Governments in form they consider appropriate. Thereupon negotiations with three Allied powers could be undertaken on basis above indicated.

Repeated to Madrid.

  1. Office of Strategic Services.
  2. Carlton J. H. Hayes, American Ambassador in Spain.
  3. Numan R. Menemencioglu, Turkish Minister for Foreign Affairs until June 15.
  4. International Committee of the Red Cross.
  5. European Commission of the Danube.