740.0011 European War 1939/33246
The Apostolic Delegate at Washington (Cicognani) to the Secretary of State
My Dear Mr. Hull: In view of the recently publicized statements supposedly originating from the Allied High Command, to the effect that the actual territory of the Papal Villa at Castelgandolfo is “saturated with Germans and therefore subject to bombing”, the Cardinal Secretary of State has instructed me to inform you that this report is not true. His Eminence states that no German soldier was ever admitted within the precincts of the Pontifical Villa and that no German military whatsoever are now within the Villa.
His Eminence has consequently instructed me to deny fully and publicly the foregoing false report.
With the assurances of my highest consideration and of my deep personal regard, I have the honor to remain
Yours very sincerely,
Archbishop of Laodicea