The Department of State to the Embassy of the Soviet Union
The Department of State refers to a memorandum dated July 27, 1944, from the Embassy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics50 concerning seventeen prisoners of war at Camp Patrick Henry, Virginia, who are said to be Soviet citizens. The Embassy requested permission to have a representative visit Camp Patrick Henry to interview these prisoners of war.
This request has received consideration and the Embassy is informed that the United States military authorities will welcome the visit to Camp Patrick Henry of a representative of the Soviet Embassy to interview these prisoners in the presence of an American officer. In order that proper arrangements may be made at Camp Patrick Henry for the reception of a representative of the Soviet Embassy it would be appreciated if the date and time of the proposed visit would be communicated in advance to Mr. Bernard Gufler, Extension 2080, Department of State. It would further be appreciated if this information would be communicated to Mr. Gufler well in advance of the departure of the Soviet representative for the camp in order that arrangements may be made for a date and time for the visits mutually convenient to the Embassy and the American military authorities.51