890.114 Narcotics/59

The Chinese Ambassador ( Wei Tao-ming ) to the Secretary of State

The Chinese Ambassador presents his compliments to the Secretary of State and has the honor to refer to the Department’s Aide-Mémoire of September 21, 1943, suggesting the adoption of a common policy among the United Nations, having as the objective the suppression of the non-medical use of narcotic drugs, in areas in the Far East now occupied by Japanese forces when they are re-occupied by the armed forces of the United Nations.

It is stated that the Government of the United States has already taken steps to instruct its expeditionary forces to enforce orders which will not only lead to the seizure of all narcotic drugs and closure of opium monopolies, opium shops and dens, but also provide for the cure of addicts and various preventive measures including the prohibition of the manufacture, importation, sale and possession of all narcotic drugs. The Government of the United States suggests that the interested governments give consideration to the adoption of similar measures and agree upon and proclaim beforehand a policy of complete prohibition of prepared opium in all areas from which they may drive out the enemy.

In June, 1943, the Chinese Government issued orders to its expeditionary forces to carry out vigorously the policy of suppression of opium-smoking and to close any agencies having monopolies of the sale of opium in the areas to be re-occupied by the Chinese forces, without regard to whom the territory belonged.

The eight measures as set forth by the Government of the United States for adoption by the United Nations in the areas to be recovered are entirely in consonance with the policy of the Chinese Government relative to the suppression of opium-smoking. The Chinese Government, having given further consideration and detailed study to these measures, will formulate specific orders for enforcement by its armed forces.

As to the areas in China when they are recovered, the Chinese Government will continue its traditional policy of opium suppression, and stricter measures will be taken with the hope that opium-smoking may be eradicated for all times.

The proposal of the American government to have the interested governments proclaim beforehand a common policy of complete prohibition of prepared opium has for its objective the adoption of a similar policy by countries like Great Britain, The Netherlands, and Portugal in their territorial possessions in the Far East. The British and The Netherlands Governments issued on November 10, 1943 and October 1, 1943, respectively, a statement to suppress the use of opium. In a memorandum to the British Embassy and the Netherlands [Page 1090] Embassy at Chungking, the Chinese Government expressed its endorsement of the statement and inquired of the ways of execution. At the same time, the Chinese Government also instructed the Chinese Minister to Portugal to inform the Portuguese Government that the Chinese Government takes the same position as that of the United States in the suppression of opium, and expressed the hope that the Portuguese Government might adopt the same policy. Under these circumstances, it is deemed unnecessary for the Chinese Government to reiterate in a statement the actions it has already taken.