890.114 Narcotics/35
The Netherlands Ambassador (Loudon) to the
Secretary of State
No. 6578
Washington, November 4,
Sir: Acting upon instructions from the Netherlands
Minister for Foreign Affairs, I have the honor to transmit herewith 5 copies
of a declaration of the Royal Netherlands Government with regard to the
prohibition of the production and consumption of opium in the Netherlands
Indies. The opium problem has been actively studied by the Royal Netherlands
Government in relation with the measures which will have to be taken after
the liberation of the Netherlands Indies. The reestablishment of Netherlands
authority in that part of the Kingdom will create a completely changed
situation which the Netherlands Government considers an opportune moment to
prohibit completely the use of prepared opium in those parts of the
Netherlands Indies where this was previously permitted and to abolish the
opium monopoly.
The enclosed declaration of the Netherlands Government will be communicated
to the Governments which are parties to the Geneva Opium Agreement of
February 11th, 1925,19 and or, the
Hague Opium Convention of 1912 and all other members of the League of
Nations through the intermediary of the Secretariat of the League.
The Netherlands Government does not desire publication of the enclosed
declaration at this moment as consultations with the British Government
which is preparing a similar arrangement with regard to British Colonial
territories are still in progress. Therefore, it will be much appreciated if
the declaration of the Netherlands Government could be released to the press
only after notification to that effect will be received.19a
In connection with the above reference is made to an aide-mémoire dated September 21st, 1943, No. 890.114 Narcotics/12,
transmitting an American proposal with regard to opium regulations of which
I acknowledged receipt in my note of September 29th, 1943, No. 5877. The
decision of the Netherlands Government outlined in the enclosure was taken
before the American Government’s proposal was received. The Netherlands
Government considers that its declaration covers to a considerable extent
the suggestions outlined in the aide-mémoire
[Page 1078]
of the American Government, to
which the Netherlands Government intends to reply at a later date.
I avail myself [etc.]
For the Netherlands Ambassador:
W. van Boetzelaer
Declaration by the Netherlands Government
The Royal Netherlands Government, having considered its attitude with
regard to the opium-smoking habit in certain parts of the Netherlands
Indies after the liberation of these parts from enemy occupation, has
decided to take all necessary measures for the discontinuance of that
habit and for the complete suppression of the use of opium for smoking
in the whole area of the Netherlands Indies. These measures will include
the abolition of the Opium Monopoly.
This decision is based on the following considerations.
In certain parts of the Netherlands Indies smoking of opium was still
authorised, in conformity with the rules laid down in the Agreement
signed at Geneva on the 11th February 1925, which had in view to bring
about the gradual and effective suppression of the manufacture of, the
internal trade in, and the use of prepared opium as provided for in
Chapter II of the International Opium Convention, concluded at The Hague
on the 23rd January 1912. As a State signatory of the Protocol annexed
to the Agreement of the 11th February 1925, the Netherlands undertook to
strengthen the measures already taken in accordance with article 6 of
the Hague Opium Convention of 1912, and to take any further measures
which might be necessary in order to reduce consumption of prepared
opium in the territories under their authority, so that such use might
be completely suppressed within a period of not more than fifteen years
from the date on which a commission to be appointed by the Council of
the League of Nations, would decide that the poppy-growing countries had
ensured the effective execution of the necessary measures to prevent the
exportation of raw opium from their territories from constituting a
serious obstacle to the reduction of consumption in the countries, where
the use of prepared opium was still temporarily authorised.
For many years past the Netherlands Indies Opium Monopoly has endeavoured
to restrict the use of opium as much as possible in order to pave the
way for total prohibition as the ultimate aim of the Netherlands
Government’s opium policy. Encouraging results had been reached and the
total consumption was steadily decreasing.
When the Netherlands Indies have been liberated from enemy occupation, an
entirely new situation will arise. The Royal Netherlands Government does
not know what kind of opium policy will have been
[Page 1079]
applied during the period of the
occupation. But it has come to the conclusion that it may avail of this
opportunity to advance the moment of the complete suppression of the use
of prepared opium and bring about its immediate and complete
The Royal Netherlands Government realises that, if total prohibition is
to have the desired effect of stopping the habit of opium smoking,
international cooperation is indispensable. It feels fully confident
that such cooperation will not be lacking. It does not doubt that all
Governments concerned will appreciate its decision and collaborate fully
in order to eliminate the conditions which used to constitute serious
obstacles to the effective enforcement of total prohibition.
At the outbreak of the war preparations for an international convention
for the limitation of the production of raw opium had advanced to a
considerable extent; these preparations are now being continued by the
Opium Section of the League of Nations Secretariat within such limits as
present circumstances permit. The Netherlands Government trusts that,
when normal communications are restored, effective measures on an
international basis will ensure that the exportation of raw opium from
the poppygrowing countries will not impede the complete suppression of
the use of opium for smoking, and that every effort will be made to
prevent illicit opium from finding its way into the Netherlands
In cases where the health of addicts would be endangered by sudden
abstention from the use of prepared opium, the Netherlands Government is
prepared to take the necessary measures for their recuperation, namely
by giving these addicts the opportunity of following a cure to be weaned
of the opium habit.