500C.115 28th Conference/29e: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)
Washington, December 16,
7916. Please deliver immediately to Phelan, Acting Director of the International Labor Organization, the following message “The United States Government wishes to extend an invitation to the International Labor Organization to hold its next Conference in the United States and it is suggested that the city of Philadelphia would be a suitable place.”25
- A memorandum of December 17, 1943, from the White House to the Secretary of State, reported as follows: “The President has directed that the following message be transmitted to Ambassador Winant in London: ‘Fully approve I.L.O. meeting in U.S. Signed: Roosevelt.’” Ambassador Winant was so informed in telegram 7949, December 17, 1 p.m. (500C.115 28th Conference/29b).↩