800.6176/7–1244: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State

5490. Reference Embassy’s 5103.34 Complete British representation still undecided. However unofficially understand following seven [Page 973] delegates, Franks, Chairman, Clauson, Fennelly, Beharrell,35 Hay, Figg, one unnamed [from] Foreign Office plus four advisers, Bail-lieu,36 and one each unnamed from following: Board of Trade, Treasury, Industry, plus Secretariat Hall,37 A. G. Pawson.38


[A press release issued by the Department of State on July 18, 1944, announced the Department’s acceptance of the British invitation to engage in conversations on postwar rubber problems and listed the advisers who would accompany Mr. Lockwood and Mr. Phillips to London; for text of press release, see Department of State Bulletin, July 23, 1944, page 84.]

  1. Telegram of June 28, 5 p.m., not printed.
  2. Sir George Beharrell, Chairman, Dunlop Rubber Company.
  3. Sir Clive L. Baillieu, Director, Dunlop Rubber Company; Head of British Raw Materials Mission at Washington, 1942–1943.
  4. R. L. Hall, Assistant Secretary, British Ministry of Supply.
  5. A. G. Pawson, British Colonial Office.