800.6176/479: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State

3352. Following conference Saturday19 with Caine and Figg, of Colonial Office, and Westermann, Netherlands Ministry Colonies, Lockwood believes British and Dutch will endeavor not renew International Rubber Regulation Agreement for 3 months although this action had been tentatively decided upon and IRRC so informed. Reference Department’s 3116, April 19. British holding industry meetings this week and will then inform Embassy of renewal decision. British exceedingly anxious not to prejudice chances of successful formation new committee and British and Dutch would probably willingly agree new committee with alternating meeting location and dual secretariats. IRRC members do not wish extension present Agreement but Colonial Office dislikes reversing its position at this late date in view technical difficulties ending Agreement. After meeting Saturday Caine and Figg considered nonrenewal lesser evil and Westermann supported desirability termination.

  1. April 22.