800.516/87: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom ( Winant ) to the Secretary of State

2898. I have received the following message from the Chancellor of the Exchequer for Morgenthau (refers to Department’s 2651, April 5, 10 p.m.).

“I just received via Mr. Winant your message concerning suggested conference in May on International Monetary Fund and Bank for Reconstruction. I will discuss with my colleagues at earliest possible moment and let you have considered reply.

In the meantime I should be grateful to have your views on one point. When publication takes place there will be demand here for early debate in Parliament which we can hardly refuse. On the occasion of that debate it will be necessary for British Government to define their attitude to the proposals involved. It would, however, be embarrassing all round if British Government were obliged to take up definite attitude at a time when United States Government still maintained an attitude of detachment.

I should therefore be glad to know both for my own information and for that of my colleagues in studying your message, what is the position of the United States Government in this matter and whether I have correctly supposed that you contemplated that publication would not entail any early commitment or recommendation on the part of the United States Government as such.”
