840.70/12–1144: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Wincmt) to the Secretary of State

10972. From EITO Delegation. Revised text of former section 2 of Article VII (now paragraphs 4 and 5 of Article VII; see despatch No. 19765 of December 922) follows:

“The organization shall assist the realization of requirements of any member government in Continental Europe for transport equipment and material.

“The organization shall, within the framework of the priorities determined by the appropriate authorities of the United Nations, determine the allocation or distribution for use to governments in Continental Europe, on such conditions as it may deem necessary, of such transport equipment and material as may be made available for this purpose by the Allied Commanders-in-Chief, by occupation authorities, or by agencies of any one or more of the United Nations. To enable the organization to carry out this function effectively, it may consult with the governments concerned on their export possibilities [Page 916] and import needs for transport equipment and material for Continental Europe and will receive from such governments notification of all arrangements made in respect thereto of which they have notice.”

  1. Not printed.