840.50/9–544: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)
7180. Department approves suggestion contained in your 7238 of September 5 on assumption that Kerr and Harriman will act in concert in approach to Molotov and is instructing Harriman in this sense.
Department feels that in addition to instructions contained in proposed telegram to British Ambassador in Moscow, Harriman and Kerr should also make clear to Molotov that the taking of this step at this time is for the purpose of preserving an opportunity to bring about the coordination in the field of European inland transport which is made urgently necessary by the progress of military operations [Page 788] in Western Europe, and that in view of the pace of events this opportunity may be lost by further delay. They should go on to say that this opportunity, it is believed, may thus be kept open for the benefit of all, including the Soviet Government, and that its participation at the earliest possible moment is and will continue to be most earnestly desired.