The Counselor of the British Embassy (Wright) to the Assistant Secretary of State (Berle)
Dear Mr. Berle: I refer to the report to the Governments of the United Kingdom and the United States on “Proposals for an European Transport Organization” signed in London by Mr. Weston for the United Kingdom and Mr. Walter Radius for the United States on June 27th last.
[Page 768]We have now received instructions to inform the United States Government that His Majesty’s Government have approved this report and its proposals.
We are further instructed to suggest that if, as is hoped, the United States Government also approves the report, an early joint approach be made to the Soviet Government asking for their concurrence in
- (1)
- the immediate convocation of the proposed meeting with the other Allied Governments,
- (2)
- the early setting up of the Interim Commission.
His Majesty’s Government would be grateful to learn the views of the United States Government on this suggestion.
Yours sincerely,