800.85/9–2044: Telegram
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State
[Received 9:27 p.m.]
7783. For Berle and Land, WSA. ReDepts 7560, September 16, 10 p.m. It is proposed here to extend the invitation to the Swedes on the afternoon of September 22. The procedure will be as follows:
The Swedish Minister will be invited to the Foreign Office and will be handed by Ronald, Superintending Under Secretary in charge of [Page 699] Economic and Reconstruction Department, memorandum statement to the effect that the Governments of the United Kingdom and of the United States wish to advise the Swedish Government of the shipping discussions which took place and the resulting Agreement, a copy of which will be attached. The memorandum will further state that the Governments of the U. K. and the U. S. desire on behalf of the governments signatory to the Agreement to draw the Swedish Government’s attention to article 4 and to invite participation of the Swedish Government in the scheme. The Swedish Government is then requested to appoint representatives who could proceed to London as soon as possible and discuss with representatives of the U. K. and the U. S. Governments the measures necessary in connection with Swedish participation in the Agreement. The memorandum will conclude by pointing out that the Agreement will become effective after the cessation of hostilities in Europe and will propose that the Swedish representative should also be empowered to discuss any arrangements that may be necessary prior to that date to ensure effective coordination of employment of all Swedish tonnage other than that remaining on time charter under existing agreements, should circumstances permit free movement of Swedish tonnage to and from the Baltic before the cessation of hostilities.
Allison is to be present at the time of handing this memo to the Swedish Minister and, in presenting this communication, the U. K. and U. S. representatives will orally stress the urgency and explain that representatives of the signatory governments are at present engaged in completing the preparatory details of this scheme and that it would be most convenient if the Swedish delegation could come to London in the course of the next one or two weeks. The representatives will also make it clear to the Swedish Minister that the Agreement is to be published shortly but that the U. S. and U. K. Governments are anxious that the Swedish Government should be informed before publication. There will be no press release regarding the Agreement before September 26 when it is expected that the Agreement will be placed before Parliament in the form of a White Paper. A suggested press release is now being drafted and will be communicated to the Department on September 23. Should the agreement not be placed before Parliament on the 26th, the Department will be informed well in advance.
The Foreign Office suggests that the simplest method of communicating the Agreement to UNRRA would be for the U. K. and U. S. delegations at the UNRRA Conference, Montreal, be instructed to give a copy of the Agreement to the appropriate UNRRA authorities. If the Department agrees, the Foreign Office will cable its delegates to concert with their American colleagues. Please instruct.