103.9164: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

7370. SD 4008. From Berle and Land to Winant and Reed. ReDepts 6502, August 16, 1944, 9 p.m. ReEmbs 6821, August 23, 1944, 5 p.m.; 7262, September 5, 1944; 7320, September 7, 6 p.m.74

In line with Depts 6502, authorization is now given for joint approach to Sweden.
Notification to Yugoslav Government as suggested in Embassy’s 7320 is agreeable.
Prompt date for simultaneous release of text of Agreement to press in line with Depts 7164 (SD 3992), paragraph 4, should be agreed upon by signatory governments. Joint US–UK notification through State Department and Foreign Office to UNRRA should be simultaneous with release of text. Form of statement to UNRRA (ReEmbs 7262) agreed to. Notification, however, should not include [Page 691] this statement. It should only be used if inquiries at forthcoming UNRRA Conference make it necessary. A brief note transmitting copy of Agreement to UNRRA should be sufficient notification.
We propose that CSAB should notify other combined boards merely by forwarding text of Agreement simultaneously with notification to UNRRA and with press release.

Department concurs in the foregoing. [Berle and Land.]

  1. No. 7320 not printed.