800.85/7–2544: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)
5832. For the Ambassador and Delegation to Shipping Conference. The Department believes that the Danish Legation should be represented by an observer and would not object if the observer were a member of the Danish Council; but he should not represent the Danish Council as such but should represent the Danish Legation. If the [Page 665] British agree after consultation, the Ambassador is authorized to sign a note identical with the British note addressed to Count Reventlow32 in this sense.
You have in mind that the Danish Council represents Danish interests, and especially shipping interests, which have already made an arrangement with the British Government, while a very large amount of Danish tonnage is separately represented here, and is making a quite different arrangement with the Government of the United States. The American group of Danish shipowners probably would not believe they were adequately represented by the Danish Council. The emphasis therefore will have to be on the Legation and Government quality of the representative.
- Count Eduard V. S. C. Reventlow, Danish Minister in the United Kingdom.↩