103.9164 London: Telegram
The Chargé in the United Kingdom (Bucknell) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 16—4:30 p.m.]
3971. To the Department and Land, WSA, from Reed. Leathers advises that Weston will leave for Washington May 17 or 18 to discuss with you the proposals made by the British Government in their memorandum of March 7 with respect to international control of shipping after the liberation of Europe. Leathers is most anxious to get the acceptance of the Allies [garbled group] continuing obligation as to the use of the IRS [their ships?] after the expiration of their [Page 648] existing charters with the USA and British and hopes that agreement can be reached quickly on the terms of a simple memorandum to be presented to the Allies. Anything you can do to expedite progress of discussions with Weston and his early return will be much appreciated.13 [Reed.]