840.50/11–2744: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)49
10631. For Ambassador and Hawkins from Acheson and Taft. ReEmbs 10405, November 25.
Receipt of your A–1412, November 27,50 on December 8 makes clearer present situation on European Economic Committee. Please consider desirability of setting up now what was discussed here in summer, a kind of U.S. Operating Committee to advise U.S. member of EEC, consisting of Economic Counselor[s] from London, Paris, [Page 638] Brussels, Tilborg,51 together with Henderson52 and representatives from ETOUSA.53 While as indicated in our report on conversation with Harriman and Winant, neutrals should not be included on EEC at outset, you might consider inviting economic counselor from Bern, Stockholm, Madrid, or Lisbon. Someone with knowledge of Italian situation might be helpful also. Probably better to meet on continent unless travel conditions make this undesirable.
Agenda for meeting should include appropriate objectives and procedures for EEC and any subsidiary organizations. You may wish to consult some or all of others mentioned. Your reaction and any consensus from others at an early date would be appreciated [Acheson and Taft.]
- Repeated to Paris as telegram 800.↩
- Not printed; it quoted text of letter from Ronald mentioned in London’s telegram 10405, November 25, p. 631.↩
- Location of Netherlands Government in liberated territory.↩
- Leon Henderson, en route to London to make a survey for FEA of plans and organization for the economic administration of Germany.↩
- European Theater of Operations, United States Army.↩