The Ambassador in Chile (Bowers) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 12.]
Sir: I have the honor to transmit a copy of the Military Attaché’s report dated May 21, 194357…
Especial attention is invited to the Military Attaché’s comment to the effect that many Chilean Army officers have changed their international political opinions recently for convenience, for fear of being classed with the steadily diminishing pro-German group and for other reasons, among them growing admiration for the troops of the United Nations. I agree with Colonel Johnson’s analysis. Those Army officers who now refrain from making open pro-Axis declarations or who profess a change in sympathies undoubtedly feel that the Axis nations are going to be defeated and that, consequently, it would be inexpedient for them not to follow along, on the surface at least, with the Chilean Army’s policy of cooperation with the United States and the United Nations. Such officers, of whom there are many in the Chilean Army, are believed to be still pro-Nazi at heart. In any case, they are lukewarm and lackadaisical in attitude and action with regard to cooperation between Chile and the United States.
Respectfully yours,
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