862.20210/2224: Telegram

The Ambassador in Chile (Bowers) to the Secretary of State

216. Reference Department’s confidential circular telegram January 28, 1 p.m., 1943. Captain Lawler, commanding officer of the detachment, Battery E, 50th Coast Artillery, Antofagasta, has reported that [Page 815] on the night of January 26 all five telephone lines from the central base end station to Antofagasta were cut by saboteurs and that on January 28 it was discovered that the main line from the central switchboard to the north battery was cut. The interruption of the lines was made outside of the city at a point where they are carried on steel poles. This was sabotage against Chilean installations since the 155 MM guns and coast artillery equipment at Antofagasta were turned over to the Chilean coast artillery over 6 months ago.
