862.20210/2197: Circular telegram

The Secretary of State to Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics

You are requested to impress upon the chief local representatives of American air and steamship lines and of American concerns handling [Page 814] strategic materials the importance of exercising all possible precautions against sabotage and to bring the possibility of a campaign of sabotage by the enemy to the attention of the appropriate high authorities of the Government to which you are accredited, pointing out specifically the points where sabotage would do the most damage and emphasizing the importance of materials and communications to the war effort.

Please instruct military and legal attachés to take all appropriate measures. Please report your action promptly to the Department and report triple priority any case of sabotage or suspected sabotage which may come to your attention.46

You may also discuss this situation with your United Nations colleagues.

  1. In telegram No. 195, January 25, 6 p.m. (not printed), the Ambassador in Argentina had reported that Panagra planes had made forced landings on January 16, 23, and 24, and he added: “Perhaps it is coincidence that British or American courier on every plane mentioned above.”