825.796/141: Airgram
The Ambassador in Chile (Bowers) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 15—3 p.m.]
A–42. The National Air Lines of Chile have the money and are ready to start work on new or improved landing fields in the south of Chile. They now have excellent airport at Concepción and have extended regular service to that point. Expansion program calls for new or improved airports at following points: Cauquenes, Valdivia, Osorno, Puerto Montt, Aysén, and Punta Arenas. From military viewpoint I consider construction of these airports extremely important. [Page 812] Construction will require from 3 to 4 months if undertaken at once. During 8 months of year construction work practically impossible on account of frequent and heavy rains. Construction of these new fields will begin at once provided United States will release, approximately on time, the four Loadstars [Lodestars] purchased by Chile and scheduled for delivery in May, 1943.40 If Loadstars are not to be released, work on new airports will be postponed by National Airlines until new planes become available. Should it become desirable or necessary for the United States to construct fields in southern Chile it would be most difficult and costly if undertaken during winter months. This appears to be an opportunity to extend airport facilities to southern Chile at no cost to United States Government except release of four airplanes which will be paid for by Chile. The foregoing also represents the views of the Chief of the United States Military Mission to Chile.41
Please instruct urgently by cable.