740.0011European War 1939/27256: Telegram
The Ambassador in Chile (Bowers) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 20—2:27 a.m.]
116. The Minister of Foreign Affairs has just telephoned the Embassy to say that he was giving me exclusive advance notice of the official decision of the Chilean Government to sever diplomatic relations with the Axis powers. All chiefs of diplomatic missions have been requested to come to the Foreign Office at 11:00 o’clock tomorrow morning at which time the decision of the Chilean Government will presumably be made public.
During the secret session of the Senate Cruchaga12 endeavored to stem the Government’s decision by offering a compromise resolution in favor of “suspension” of relations which would have permitted Axis consular representatives to have remained officially in Chile and diplomatic representatives, perhaps, to have remained unofficially. President Ríos sent back word to the Senate floor that the Government insisted upon a motion in favor of complete severance of relations. Cruchaga and certain other conservative and liberal Senators, however, voted against complete rupture.
Urgently to the attention of the White House, Secretary, Welles, and Duggan.13