740.0011 European War 1939/27259: Telegram

The Ambassador in Chile (Bowers) to the Secretary of State

113. The principal events of the last 24 hours were the publication of the Gustavo Ross10 strong declaration in favor of rupture (transmitted in my 105, January 18, 1943)11 and the action of the Government in creating emergency zones in 11 Chilean key provinces. The public manifestation against rupture scheduled for yesterday evening faded out in view of Alessandri’s disavowal of it, only a relatively few attending. Pro-rupture elements mingled with the group, interrupting the manifestations. There were several street fights; the place was cleared by carabineros.

In addition to declaring emergency zones, which permits the local application of martial law, special measures were taken to guard all the passes and points of exit with view to forestall the escape of pro-Axis elements who are to be placed under detention following the announcement of rupture of relations. All leaves to carabineros have been canceled and are all ordered to sleep in the barracks. AH police stations today received sealed orders to be opened as soon as rupture of relations is declared.

  1. Onetime Minister of the Treasury and candidate for the Presidency.
  2. Not printed.