740.00112A European War 1939/34104: Telegram
The Ambassador in Brazil (Caffery) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 23—5:39 p.m.]
3557. Reference Department’s telegram 1436 of April 17, 1943, in accordance with which the Embassy on April 24 addressed to the Foreign Minister a formal note giving assurances of the Export-Import Bank’s willingness to participate in financing of nationalization of Axis properties along the lines set forth in the memorandum previously delivered informally to the Minister of Finance by Mr. Pierson in March, a copy of which memorandum was transmitted to the Department with this Embassy’s despatch 10496 of March 20, 1943.
The Director of Exchange of the Bank of Brazil has now expressed the intention of calling upon Export-Import Bank for financial assistance under this plan in conjunction with the proposed nationalization of Chimica Bayer and other Proclaimed List firms by the Bank of Brazil under the powers assumed by it upon the extinction of the Economic Defense Commission.
The Director of Exchange has requested that the Export-Import Bank send to Brazil immediately a representative authorized to negotiate the mechanics of the lending procedure and accordingly the Embassy requests that such a representative proceed to Rio de Janeiro as soon as possible.