811.20 Defense (M) Brazil/5231: Telegram

The Ambassador in Brazil (Caffery) to the Secretary of State

4512. For Allen RDC from McAshan.71 Wilson, WSA representative here, advises that ships being returned to Brazil will require extensive repairs before they can materially increase coastwise service. It appears that such ships will not be available under any conditions through November and probably not before end of year.

Food and supplies for rubber programme now awaiting shipment at Rio de Janeiro, Santos and Recife cannot wait until these ships are available. Urge you insist that WSA approve release of sufficient space on American flag vessels to sail not later than end of October; otherwise we cannot guarantee provide enough staple foods and supplies for movement up river during high water. [McAshan.]

  1. Douglas H. Allen and Maurice McAshan, officials of the Rubber Development Corporation.