832.61333/832: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Brazil (Caffery)
2651. Your 3412, July 14.90 Department had not previously received copy of letter of July 10 from Commodity Credit Corporation.90
The Department does not believe any coffee owned by the Commodity Credit Corporation should be shipped to the United States for the time being, at least, except subject to the following conditions:
- A.
- Prior consultation with and agreement of the Brazilian Government.
- B.
- Availability of shipping space which cannot be utilized by privately owned coffee, or by more important strategic materials.
For the time being it is believed preferable to avoid having any coffee shipped by Commodity Credit Corporation for consumption in the United States market.
It is understood that the Army is purchasing coffee in Rio de Janeiro and that accordingly there is little likelihood of any space available for coffee not being fully utilized. Please follow this situation very closely and keep the Department currently informed.