811.20 Defense (M) Brazil/4859: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Brazil (Caffery)

3012. Your 3543, July 23.52 For Russell Rubber Development from Allen. Will give Korkegi fullest possible information on the subject referred to before he leaves. During Korkegi’s presence here efforts will be made to bring about a smoother functioning and better coordination of the supply of the essential rubber requirements of neighboring countries by Brazil.

We have consulted Department of State concerning the problem raised by continued efforts on the part of Argentina to obtain rubber and rubber products in Brazil. The Department of State informs us that it has discussed the matter with the Argentine Ambassador in Washington and advised him that information received from Ambassador at Buenos Aires indicates that at least until end of 1943 Argentina has sufficient supply of crude rubber if effective rationing is adopted. Argentine Embassy at Washington is requesting additional information from Buenos Aires to justify need for additional supplies of rubber. [Allen.]

For Embassy from Department. The foregoing correctly states advice given Rubber Development by Department. In addition, as you are aware, it would have an unfortunate effect on general policy adopted towards Argentina by both this Government and the Government of Brazil if there was made available to Argentina either by this Government or by the Government of Brazil with the assent of this Government crude rubber in excess of that required to meet essential needs.

  1. Not printed; in this communication Russell sought information on rubber distribution to other American republics.