740.00112A European War 1939/31033: Telegram
The Chargé in Bolivia (Woodward) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 22—2:15 p.m.]
959. For Foreign Funds Control Division. The interim Foreign Minister42 in an interview published in Ultima Hora May 21 is quoted as having said:
“Faithful to its tradition of respect for formal agreements the National Government will carry out scrupulously its international promises. Concretely insofar as this may refer to the practical application of the recommendations adopted by the Inter-American Conference on Systems of Economic and Financial Control which we signed in Washington in July of last year the Government is studying carefully their application. We will very shortly take the first step to make effective that control in accordance with the constitution the laws and the special regulations under which foreign industry and commerce are carried on within the country. There is then no reason for lack of confidence nor for impatience. The executive will submit at the proper [Page 597] time to the legislature other analogous measures designed to fulfill its obligations under those recommendations.”
- Pedro Zilveti Arce.↩