740.0011 European War 1939/32073: Telegram

The Ambassador in Bolivia (Boal) to the Secretary of State

1837. The Bolivian Congress last night in plenary secret session voted the adherence of Bolivia to the Declaration of the United Nations. The Foreign Minister informs me that the motion by Congress is couched in the following terms:

“The National Congress decrees as follows:

Sole article—the adhesion of Bolivia to the collective pact of the United Nations signed in Washington on January 1, 1942 is approved.”

The Foreign Minister stated that the Senate had voted unanimously for the foregoing motion and in the Chamber of Deputies there had been only two votes against, all other votes being for the motion.

The Foreign Minister said that he considers that this constitutes ratification of Bolivia’s state of war with the Axis Powers.

He added that he would give me on Monday48 an official notification49 in writing describing this position and that he expects to send a telegram directly to you informing you of the ratification. He asked me to send to you advance notification today and added that he considered this action as one of the most momentous events in Bolivian history. I gathered that he will consider your reply to the message he proposes to send to you of special significance to this country.50

  1. November 29.
  2. Note of November 30, 1943; copy transmitted to the Department by the Ambassador in his despatch No. 2689, December 3 (not printed).
  3. In a telegram of December 1, 1943, to the Bolivian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Secretary of State Hull expressed gratification for the step Bolivia had taken as evidence of the solidarity of that country with all freedom-loving people (740.0011 European War 1939/32209).