835.00/1450: Telegram
The Ambassador in Argentina (Armour) to the Secretary of State
[Received 3:27 p.m.]
1207. The President2 has arrived in Buenos Aires and resigned. The Minister of the Interior has been arrested and taken to military headquarters. Nothing is known of the whereabouts of the Minister of the Navy.
The Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Justice and Public Instruction, and Agriculture have just arrived by plane from Montevideo. The last named was immediately arrested and taken to police headquarters.
The Paraguayan First Secretary,3 who is close to Rawson4 and has, therefore, been designated by the American Chiefs of Mission as liaison man with the revolutionaries, has been to the Casa Rosada and after talking with Rawson and Ramírez has informed us that there will be no junta, but that Rawson at Ramírez’s wish will be chief of the Government, that Ramírez and Benito, not Saba, Sueyro will hold the portfolios of War and the Navy; and that the new Government’s foreign policy will be compliance with international obligations and a total change in foreign policy.
The country is reported all quiet.