
The Chief of the Division of the American Republics (Bonsai) to the Ambassador in Haiti (White)


Dear Jack:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

May I also reply to your other letter of August 1810 in which you referred to the President’s informal desire to have our impressions regarding the withdrawing of representation to the neighboring Republic. Frankly, I am inclined to think that at this juncture in international affairs it would be highly undesirable for there to be a rupture in diplomatic relations between any of the United Nation[s], and even more unfortunate for there to be a break between two of our good neighbors. I am certain that you will be able to convey this general notion to the President without giving him any cause to think that we have espoused the cause of his opposite number, while at the same time retaining that very friendly and helpful atmosphere in which you appear to work in Port-au-Prince wherein the President feels free to inform you at any moment of his hopes and of his perplexities.

With kind personal regards,

Sincerely yours,

Philip W. Bonsal
  1. Supra.