800.8830/2382: Airgram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Venezuela (Corrigan)

A–644. Your A–286, June 2, and 513, June 4.23 Please bring to the attention of the Import Control Commission and the newspaper consumers that it is of the utmost importance that the simplified decentralization [Page 299] plan for newsprint, outlined in Department’s A–558, May 6, 1943,24 be strictly followed.

The Department considers the maintenance of newsprint supplies of the greatest importance and nothing will be permitted to interfere with the free and constant flow of newsprint when shipping space is available. The Department wishes to avoid repetition of the conditions wherein constant complaints of newsprint shortages were made and imminent suspensions of publications threatened.

The purpose of the instruction to the effect that import recommendation covering newsprint should consist of one document giving the tonnage distribution by consignees for a three months period, together with the usual suppliers, is to see to it immediately that the suppliers make prompt shipment and to ascertain whether suppliers have access to newsprint. Previous experience has disclosed that newspapers have given orders to suppliers of newsprint but for some reason or other the suppliers were unable to deliver. Through the cooperation of the Board of Economic Warfare, the entire newsprint governmental documentation has been simplified so that there be no delay from that cause. A scattering of import recommendations to numerous individual suppliers will not permit the rapid check herein explained.

The Embassy is requested again to urge the Commission to adopt the method outlined in Department’s A–558 of May 6 with respect to newsprint starting with the third quarter. In the meantime, newsprint will be shipped in accordance with Embassy’s A–90 of February 25, 1943.24 Newsprint will continue under general license and control will be effected by the approval of applications for freight space (form BEW–138) by the Board of Economic Warfare.

  1. Neither printed.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Not printed.