833.24/642: Telegram
The Chargé in Uruguay (Dwyre) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 10—2:14 p.m.]
571. Country Agency82 greatly perturbed over telegrams, letters, and circulars being received by importers from suppliers in the United States stating categorically that Decentralization Plan83 in Uruguay is to be discontinued. This Government organization is concerned because of its personnel and building expansion program. Embassy and Country Agency already have noted apathy on the part of importers in filing Import Recommendations which condition, if not altered, will defeat plans to stimulate flow in accordance with latest instructions received in Department’s telegram circular May 7, 9 p.m.,84 and telegram number 312, May [June] 5, 1 p.m.85 to promote immediate orders for non-allocated and non-essential materials not in scarce supply. If actual situation supports such an announcement, Embassy suggests advisability of a published denial locally of such reports emanating from the United States and requests Department’s telegraphic instruction.