818.24/501: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Costa Rica (Trueblood)
598. Reference Embassy’s 645 September 13, 7 p.m. According to latest available figures, unbooked cargo backlog on August 28 amounted to roughly 25,000 tons. Of this amount 22,000 tons was cement and [Page 191] only 3,000 tons other cargoes. Shipments during period May through July averaged slightly over 7,000 tons per month.
While cement backlog was substantial, other cargoes were deficient, and it is believed that these figures should bring about a change in attitude with respect to the simplification of procedure Alternative III. For Embassy’s information, 18 of the other American republics have accepted Alternative III, and the OEW expects to announce the new procedure and countries participating September 21. Please discuss again and telegraph result.