
The General Manager of the Chilean National Foreign Trade Council (Adriasola) to the American Counselor of Embassy for Economic Affairs in Chile (Butrick)88

S.G. No. 55

Dear Sir:

Decentralization Plan “A”:89 I take pleasure in calling your attention to the fact that the Directive Council, during its ordinary meeting [Page 166] yesterday, became acquainted with the Memorandum received from Messrs. Wilkinson, of the Board of Economic Warfare, and Horton Henry, of the Department of State, which describes generally the procedure or plan under consideration to decentralize from Washington some phases of the activities of the abovementioned Board of Economic Warfare.

With the explanations given by Messrs. Wilkinson and Henry, the declaration made by the Vice-President and the information supplied by the Industries and Supplies Commission, the Council was able to come to a complete understanding of the benefits to be derived from the new plan, which in turn reaffirms some of the procedures in practice, and, for this reason, it was accepted.

As this plan requires that, as a preliminary condition, the Chilean Government should centralize in the National Foreign Council all matters related to the examination of import applications from the United States and the granting of Import Recommendations, the Directive Council agreed to recommend the new plan and inform the Minister of Economy and Commerce, in order that taking this suggestion into account he may make the necessary arrangements.

For their part the Directors of the Council understand that the agreements concerning estimates of supply of raw materials for use in Chile are not changed and continue in full force and that no charge is made against them for metals or other materials used in the United States in the manufacture of articles exported to Chile.

Finally and as a result of our agreement the phrase “Black List” in clauses 3 and 10 is not considered to be inflexible, and has been replaced and changed to the form agreed, adding to this clause the following insert:

In such case, the new consignee will be obliged to return, in favor of the aforementioned, the sums paid or disbursed for the price, expenses, et cetera, of the merchandise.

Very truly yours,

Adolfo Adriasola Q.
  1. Copy transmitted to the Department by the Ambassador in Chile in his despatch No. 6338, April 29, 1943; received May 11.
  2. For an outline of the plan, see circular airgram of January 19, 8 p.m., p. 106.