800.8820/937: Airgram
The Ambassador in Bolivia (Boal) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 20—5 p.m.]
A–25. Department’s 39, January 9, 9 p.m., Export Licensing Policy of Board of Economic Warfare. A full and frank exchange of views has been had with the licensing authorities of the Bolivian Government on the basis of the reference telegram. The Bolivian authorities have adopted a most understanding and cooperative attitude, and local press reaction has not been adverse. American press releases on the subject are usually translated verbatim in local press, and full publicity in the United States will probably contribute to fuller local comprehension of the situation.
Bolivian authorities are pleasantly surprised at the large amount of material which has been licensed for shipment to Bolivia and are willing to exercise patience until the shipping bottleneck can be relieved. They are ready to cooperate in refusing certificates of necessity to applications not falling within the three approved categories, until the congestion can be cleared up.
[Here follow several paragraphs of inquiries and requests for information as to supplies.]